• Mother

    Help your child to succeed at school

    Most people today understand the value of education and parents try very hard to pass this sense on to their children and are surprised when they fail. Parents are desperate for their children to succeed and they convey this to them. It is too familiar a scene when parents lock their children in their room to finish their homework or tell them they’re better off studying than watching a movie. Children get the message early on that they are studying to please their parents and this may cause certain problems. The first of these is that children don’t actually take an interest in what they are studying and will only…

  • Health

    Risks of Smoking For Women

    We all have heard the warnings– cigarettes can cause cancer and increase our risk of heart disease. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in this country, yet too many women die each year from smoking related causes. The highest rate of smoking (27%) occurs among women between twenty-five and forty-four. Despite all the warnings today’s teens have heard about the dangers of smoking, the reality is that almost all of the new smokers today are teenagers. Women smokers suffer all the consequences of smoking that men do such as increased of risk various cancers (lung, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, kidney, and bladder) and respiratory diseases, but…