• Recipes

    Risotto al Vino – Risotto with Wine

    Experience the flavors of Italy with our Risotto al Vino recipe. Learn how to make this delicious and easy-to-prepare dish that features the rich taste of wine. This is a dish you’ll find throughout northern Italy. Ingredients Heat half the butter in a pot, add the rice, and cook over a very low flame, stirring so it doesn’t stick and burn. In the meantime, sauté the onion separately, in 1/4 cup of butter, until it is lightly browned. Keep warm. When the rice is done frying and the grains have become translucent, begin adding the wine, a glass at a time, and letting it evaporate between additions. Then add broth,…

  • Mother

    Part 2: Delivering The Baby

    As the weeks of pregnancy go by, mothers are probably beginning to dread the big finale: labour. Decisions need to be made as early as this in your child’s life. The biggest issue is whether or not to take painkillers. If you want the natural birth then you may want to look into techniques like Lamaze that specify breathing exercises to reduce pain (we’ve all seen them on American sit-coms). If on the other hand you have as low a pain threshold as me, you may want to look into the epidural. This is a needle which is placed in your spine that desensitizes the lower area through nitrous oxide,…

  • Comment


    I am a paranoid woman. Many male friends have told me so. Maybe you, the reader, are paranoid too. Maybe most women in Cairo are paranoid. Most women that is, who have had to deal with the sexual harassment that occurs perpetually on Cairo’s streets. PARANOIA: 1) mental disorder in which a person has delusions of grandeur or persecution. 2) abnormal tendency to mistrust others. (Oxford Dictionary) Do you often think to yourself about how pleasant it would be to go for a walk, get some fresh air, get some exercise, admire the scenery and feel refreshed. Well, think again. For most women going for a walk, the experience is…

  • Mother

    Part 1: Pleasures and Perils of Pregnancy

    So you find out you’re pregnant! You are ecstatic and a little voice inside your head tells you that you only have 9 months (in some cases even less) to brush up on the latest psychological theory on how to avoid turning your child into a psychopath. However your baby’s development starts way before that, in fact from the moment of conception every week is critical to your baby’s development. In the first eight weeks the brain and spine are developing so you should pay particular attention to your health. By the eighth week the fetus (that’s what they call the baby before its out) is responding to touch. At…

  • Health


    Feeling bloated? Feeling anxious for no obvious reason? You burst into tears at the slightest remark. You feel lonely even if you’re in the most loving relationship. You have backache. You’re craving food. We’ve all gone through it; you’re suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). According to studies at the University of Virginia, PMS is a group of symptoms that affect a high percentage of females between the ages of 18 to 50 thus making it one of the most prevalent health disorders today. For many years, women were told that their symptoms were either those of a hypochondriac and were told, “it’s all in your head.” Today we know this…

  • Health

    Better Bones, Better Teeth

    Want to keep your bones and teeth healthy?Milk isn’t the only source of Calcium… Calcium-rich foods keep our bones and teeth healthy. It’s a key mineral for women as it helps prevent arthritis (inflammation of the joint). But don’t just look to milk for this mineral, you’ll find it in some other more surprising foods. Why is calcium so beneficial? Our bodies contain around 1kg of calcium in our bones and teeth. It is the main mineral we need and is vital to us throughout our lives. Children need calcium to build a strong healthy skeleton. Women (of all ages) need it to prevent arthritis in later life, not just…

  • Interior Design

    Setting the Mood for Valentine’s Day

    Whether you have a gathering of friends or an intimate dinner for two, make this Valentine’s Day one to remember. IF you don’t believe in Valentine’s and think it’s just a commercial thing, well who cares, use it as an excuse to have fun anyway!Here are some suggestions to get you started on your way to a wonderful evening. — For your dinner, choose a setting that is new and different. Perhaps in front of a view of water or city lights. If you don’t have a nice view, create the setting with some nice plants to give an outdoor-ish feel. — Layer your tablecloths for a beautiful effect. Start…

  • Comment

    Valentine’s Day: Celebrating Love and Romance the guide

    On February 14, people all around the world celebrate love and passion with special events and gifts. This Valentine’s Day, whether you’re in a committed partnership or just looking to spend some quality time with that special someone, take the chance to tell them how they make you feel. Here, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Valentine’s Day to make it a day you’ll never forget. We have everything you need to throw a wonderful party, from thoughtful presents to romantic activities. In honor of St. Valentine, here are some suggestions for presents: On Valentine’s Day, it’s crucial to show your affection by providing a present that means…

  • Hair

    Hair loss! A common problem?

    We have had a flood of questions this week regarding hair loss. Before I say anything, I want to tell you all not to panic. Hair loss is very common! Most people only associate hair loss with men, and they fail to recognize that as many as 2 out of 3 women will suffer from hair loss at some point in their life. Hair loss is a common issue that affects both men and women. There are various causes of hair loss, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, and poor nutrition. While hair loss can be distressing, it’s important to know that there are ways to prevent and treat it. A…

  • Comment

    Going to a Wedding?

    Everyone loves a wedding. Everyone, that is, except me… and most of my friends, relatives and colleagues. But like taxes and periods, they are unavoidable. You knew it was coming; the family grapevine had filled you in on the details of the next big wedding. And there it was in writing: The date, a few weeks away; the time, 9PM; and the place, a big 5-star hotel. The thrill? The excitement? … I think not! The thick ivory envelope that once would have promised an evening of dinner, dancing, and romance (or at the very least a good night out) now evokes DREADED FEAR… Now, it is not that I…