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  • Health

    Hay Fever

    The thought of spring time can cause panic in those who suffer from hay fever because it means the nose and eyes are in for a battle.  What Is Hay Fever? Hay fever is the name most people use to refer to the symptoms caused by allergic rhinitis, the most common allergy. It is a mediated allergy that has nothing to do with hay or a fever. The inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the inside of the nose, is known as rhinitis. It is characterized by an immune-system reaction to airborne allergens. Allergic rhinitis is classified into two categories – seasonal and perennial. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is usually…

  • Health

    Risks of Smoking For Women

    We all have heard the warnings– cigarettes can cause cancer and increase our risk of heart disease. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in this country, yet too many women die each year from smoking related causes. The highest rate of smoking (27%) occurs among women between twenty-five and forty-four. Despite all the warnings today’s teens have heard about the dangers of smoking, the reality is that almost all of the new smokers today are teenagers. Women smokers suffer all the consequences of smoking that men do such as increased of risk various cancers (lung, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, kidney, and bladder) and respiratory diseases, but…

  • Health

    Herbs for your Headaches

    We all suffer from headaches and we know they can be the most debilitating thing. Sometimes it’s hard to know what causes the headaches and we just pop pills to solve the problem temporarily. Well instead of filling your body with pills, why not try to take some herbs to soothe the pain? Herbs may bring relief though they will not remove the cause.  Feverfew leaf (tanacetum parthenium) has justifiably become the primary remedy for migraine. A small to medium fresh or frozen leaf eaten between slices of bread three times a day has been found to reduce the intensity or frequency of migraines. Its action is cumulative and can take…

  • Health

    Herbs for your Health

    Very often we feel tense and irritable. Sometimes we know the reasons (like PMS) and sometimes we can’t really identify the reasons amongst the thousand little daily stresses. That’s where herbs can come in handy. Unlike tranquilizers, herbs that work to relax nervous tension also counter stress by reviving and toning the central nervous system. The two finest treatments are skullcap glowering top (Scutellaria lateriflora), which is suitable for a wide range of nervous complaints and valerian root (valeriana officinalis), which is suitable for nervous spasms and tremors, phobias, insomnia and restlessness. Fortunately they work well together. You can take an infusion individually or in combination. Take 1 cup infusion up to three times…

  • Health

    Dark Circles

    Do you suffer from dark circles under the eyes? Do you have to put on a ridiculous amount of make up to cover them up, even though sometimes you feel like going for the “natural look”. Well here is a little something from us to give you more information about dark circles, why they happen and how they can be helped. Dark circles around the eyes are a concern for many people. There are many contributing factors that make dark circles around the eyes more noticeable. Allergies – Although allergies are often the blame for dark circles, anything that causes chronic nasal obstruction can be the reason. Drinking too much…

  • Health

    How To Manage Your Acne

    Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The scattered lesions caused by acne can manifest as single or multiple bumps generally called nodules or papules. The lesions are associated primarily with the sebum-producing glands that surround hair follicles in skin that is visibly greasy. Acne is most likely caused by a combination of factors. First, there is an increase in sebum production and a blockage of the hair follicle. With the follicle is blocked, the population of normal bacteria in the follicle increases dramatically. The bacteria produce inflammatory chemicals, which leak into the surrounding skin. Acne is common in adolescents and young adults. It…

  • Health

    Over Active Bladder

    Do you find yourself going to the toilet to urinate too often? Do you get up in the middle of the night more than once to go to the toilet? This could be due to an overactive bladder. Overactive bladder is a treatable medical condition. Its symptoms include urinary frequency, urgency, and accidental loss of urine due to a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate. This condition is not normal at any age. If you are experiencing a lack of bladder control, see your doctor. Most bladder control problems can be successfully treated! The symptoms of overactive bladder include: Frequency — often having to urinate more than 8 times over…

  • Health

    Genital Candidiasis – Vaginal Yeast Infection

    Candidiasis, also known as a “yeast infection”, is a common fungal infection that occurs when there is overgrowth of the fungus called Candida. Candida is always present in the body in small amounts. However, when an imbalance occurs, such as when the normal acidity of the vagina changes or when hormonal balance changes, Candida can multiply. When that happens, symptoms of candidiasis appear. Women with yeast infections usually experience genital itching or burning, with or without a vaginal discharge. The symptoms of yeast infections are similar to those of many other genital infections. Making a diagnosis usually requires laboratory testing of a genital swab taken from the affected area by…

  • Health

    Asthma & Exercice

    Have you got Asthma? Do you want to play sports but find it difficult? Well here is a list of asthma friendly sports. But first let’s examine what asthma is. What Is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung condition. It is characterized by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways. The airways react by narrowing or obstructing when they become irritated. This makes it difficult for the air to move in and out. This narrowing or obstruction can cause one or a combination of the following symptoms: wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Common triggers which cause tightening of the airways include everyday…

  • Health

    Colds, Coughs & the Flu

    Can you believe the weather we’re having? We can’t! We’re all wrapped up in warm clothing and fighting over who gets to sit closest to the heater. But if you want to prevent coughs, colds and the flu which are common during winter, fighting over the heater is not the solution. With more of us spending time indoors, it’s easier for germs to spread. Keep in mind the following tips to prevent the spread of illness. Get a flu shot. Flu shots are especially beneficial for those with weakened immune systems, the elderly or those who come in contact with a lot of people. Check with your doctor for more…