• Health

    Hay Fever

    The thought of spring time can cause panic in those who suffer from hay fever because it means the nose and eyes are in for a battle.  What Is Hay Fever? Hay fever is the name most people use to refer to the symptoms caused by allergic rhinitis, the most common allergy. It is a mediated allergy that has nothing to do with hay or a fever. The inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the inside of the nose, is known as rhinitis. It is characterized by an immune-system reaction to airborne allergens. Allergic rhinitis is classified into two categories – seasonal and perennial. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is usually…

  • Comment

    Why Women Don’t Always Leave Abusive Relationships

    Sometimes it feels like men have been given some natural license to treat women like subordinates or inferiors, and women have been fighting for decades to change this perception. This is why seeing women being abused by their partners is especially difficult to accept. Battered Wife Syndrome is the name given to the psychological and behavioural symptoms derived from this type of abusive relationship. It is my bias that it is no one’s right to hit anyone, children included because it demeans the individual. A woman who suffers this kind of abuse believes that the violence is her fault and actually has an inability to place the blame elsewhere, mainly…

  • Comment

    Childfree by Choice

    There’s a certain stigma associated with being female and being childfree. Because being childfree-by-choice is rather frowned upon in our child-centric society, most women who don’t want children, rarely say so openly. They try to avoid the disapproving stares and cries of, “How can you not want children?!” and go into hiding. In fact a woman who doesn’t want children is often labelled a selfish woman. It’s more difficult for a woman to admit that she does not want children as men are often exempt from such pressure. Women on the other hand must answer to other women, to mothers, to aunts, to neighbours and even to friends. When my…

  • Mr Hanem

    The Bald and the Beautiful

    t creeps up on you ever so quietly. The actual process began many years earlier but realization hits you as if it were something that just fell out of the sky. You’re standing in front of the bathroom mirror humming away, having just finished shaving, innocently practicing your Gillette facial poses as you check for that little patch you inevitably missed… and then it happens! Staring you in the mirror is a thin strip of skin crawling subtly across your forehead. Skin, let me add, where there should be hair. You look closer and the first image of the true shape of your head – hidden for years by your…

  • Mother

    Help your child to succeed at school

    Most people today understand the value of education and parents try very hard to pass this sense on to their children and are surprised when they fail. Parents are desperate for their children to succeed and they convey this to them. It is too familiar a scene when parents lock their children in their room to finish their homework or tell them they’re better off studying than watching a movie. Children get the message early on that they are studying to please their parents and this may cause certain problems. The first of these is that children don’t actually take an interest in what they are studying and will only…

  • Health

    Risks of Smoking For Women

    We all have heard the warnings– cigarettes can cause cancer and increase our risk of heart disease. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in this country, yet too many women die each year from smoking related causes. The highest rate of smoking (27%) occurs among women between twenty-five and forty-four. Despite all the warnings today’s teens have heard about the dangers of smoking, the reality is that almost all of the new smokers today are teenagers. Women smokers suffer all the consequences of smoking that men do such as increased of risk various cancers (lung, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, kidney, and bladder) and respiratory diseases, but…

  • Lifestyle

    The Art of chilling out in Summer

    Summer Time Summer, a wonderful time of the year, to go to the beach or swimming pool, it is a time when exercising all year pays off, when people are not ashamed period. Everyone joins in, young and old enjoy their summer till the end. The days are long and nothing beats staying outside till late in the day and you still have the sun up, it is truly a wonderful feeling. Yet, there are those that are stuck at work, or have to take care of something, an errand maybe or some early morning task or even worse mid day. What can they do to stay cool during that…

  • Comment

    Internet Love Interests

    I love the Internet. The amount of things you can do on it is unbelievable! I mean you can have access to news, keep in touch with friends, find information on just about anything, do research, participate in discussions and even chat online. The “information highway” makes possible unprecedented forms of communications. Never before have there been means of communication which have provided so many individuals with the ease and ability to engage in instantaneous, interactive communications with such a broad and diverse public.Previously unimaginable, millions of individuals are increasingly interacting across time and space, and forming mutual bonds with others, most of whom they neither have met nor will…

  • Health

    Herbs for your Headaches

    We all suffer from headaches and we know they can be the most debilitating thing. Sometimes it’s hard to know what causes the headaches and we just pop pills to solve the problem temporarily. Well instead of filling your body with pills, why not try to take some herbs to soothe the pain? Herbs may bring relief though they will not remove the cause.  Feverfew leaf (tanacetum parthenium) has justifiably become the primary remedy for migraine. A small to medium fresh or frozen leaf eaten between slices of bread three times a day has been found to reduce the intensity or frequency of migraines. Its action is cumulative and can take…

  • Mother

    Postpartum Sex

    Postpartum sex (which is a fancy name for sex after you give birth) is a complicated issue. Most doctors recommend that women wait 6 weeks before they engage in sex but here they mean penetrative sex and there’s nothing to stop you being intimate. Pregnancy is a difficult time and sometimes it doesn’t feel as ‘natural’ as people say it should. You are going through many hormonal and bodily changes that are likely to affect you and alter your perceptions of your own sexuality. Many women suffer postpartum depression after birth and this can affect their sex drive. The changes in your body will also take their toll, some women…