• Mother

    The Evil of Screen Time?

    The trend these days seems to be to blame screen time for everything: crime, aggression, less social interaction, less intellectual ability, terrorism, moral deconstruction, etc.  This is definitely an exaggeration but since it is one of children’s favorite pass-time it’s important to understand the effects of these devices. There is one distinction that first needs to be made.  People often talk about screens too generally but it is meaningful to find out first whether the children are watching programs designed for them or for you, their parents.  If you watch TV all day, don’t expect your children to grow up as bookworms.  Children can also learn from TV and screens…

  • Health

    Asthma & Exercice

    Have you got Asthma? Do you want to play sports but find it difficult? Well here is a list of asthma friendly sports. But first let’s examine what asthma is. What Is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung condition. It is characterized by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways. The airways react by narrowing or obstructing when they become irritated. This makes it difficult for the air to move in and out. This narrowing or obstruction can cause one or a combination of the following symptoms: wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Common triggers which cause tightening of the airways include everyday…

  • Comment

    The Stonecutter

    “People take things for granted”.  We’ve all heard that expression; we’ve eaten it, chewed it and digested it. “We never appreciate what we’ve got till we’ve lost it”. While most of us feel we are strong enough to overcome this, we still fall into the trap more often than we should. We all strive for more… more money, more love, more intimacy, more luxury, more everything. The 21st century has spoilt us and has made us believe that everything is possible and everything is within reach.  I believe that it can be, but while we’re out there looking for bigger and better things, we often forget what we’ve got. Being…

  • Interior Design

    DIY Potpourris

    Our sense of smell plays a huge part in determining our mood. After all, when you go into a room, would you rather smell sweet roses or rotten eggs? What’s more soothing, the smell of lavender or the smell of cigarettes? I think we can safely say that a good smell makes for a good ambience. There are many ways to make a room smell good and one of the easiest ways is by using potpourris. (Ironically, did you know that potpourris in French means rotten pot! but anyway, that’s beside the point.) Potpourris can be found in many shops and supermarkets and can be bought in a variety of…

  • Recipes

    Spanish Omelette or Tortilla

    Spanish tortilla are a deep omelette containing sliced potatoes and possibly a little onion. Some people confuse the Tortilla with Frittatas, which are Italian, probably originating from the Spanish version, and can contain any meat cheese and vegetables you happen to have to hand including potatoes and pasta. There have been too many festivities and our stomachs are now paying for it! It’s time for something light. Try out this quick and easy recipe which will help your lighten your heavy stomach and ease your busy lifestyle. We give you the Spanish Omelet or Tortilla (that’s what it’s called in Spain). Ingredients 6 eggs (beaten) 2 onions (peeled and sliced) 3 large…

  • Mr Hanem

    Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

    it’s strange how one action can hurt in such a variety of ways, whatever the circumstances are. I’ve been in relationships that have fizzled out and others that ended in a big bang. I’ve been the person to end it, and I’ve been the person who’s been dumped. It seems that no matter the manner in which it happens, breaking up is always hard to do. You first encounter the pain of breaking up when you’re very young, although you may not realize it. I don’t mean that in the Freudian sense, where leaving your mother’s womb will leave with you a feeling of betrayal and hurt that you’ll carry…

  • Health

    Colds, Coughs & the Flu

    Can you believe the weather we’re having? We can’t! We’re all wrapped up in warm clothing and fighting over who gets to sit closest to the heater. But if you want to prevent coughs, colds and the flu which are common during winter, fighting over the heater is not the solution. With more of us spending time indoors, it’s easier for germs to spread. Keep in mind the following tips to prevent the spread of illness. Get a flu shot. Flu shots are especially beneficial for those with weakened immune systems, the elderly or those who come in contact with a lot of people. Check with your doctor for more…

  • Comment

    Open Minded… Or Mindless?

    The expression open-minded seems to confuse many people. While I argue for open-mindedness with certain people, they speak back to me in a rather dismayed tone and only when I dig deeper into their understanding of the word, do I start to see what they mean. Open mindedness is so often confused with the word decadence. If a girl is “open minded”, in the narrow minded sense, it means she is a heavy drinker and smoker, she dresses a little too immodestly and has too many male friends! Open mindedness is about opening your mind; it’s as simple as that. Heard the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover”?…

  • Lifestyle

    Throwing A Party

    Are you throwing a party in the coming weeks? Our tips may help you. While most of the ideas you see here are basic common sense, it can be of great help as a checklist during the sometimes stressful last days before a large party. The secret to hosting a wonderful party is remarkably simple: Create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere where people feel welcome. And it all starts with you. If you’re a nervous, anxiety-ridden host, you’ll end up with nervous, anxious guests. But, if you set the mood, relax, and enjoy yourself, so will your guests. Successful parties always cost more than expected. Plan to spend at least 1…

  • Comment

    Taking Ownership

    New Year is coming. This year I am looking forward to it. That wasn’t always the case. New Year can be a confusing time, yes there’s all the celebrating, the joy, the hope, the ambition… but with it comes painful self-evaluation, assessing achievements or lack of them, the memory of unfulfilled goals and unrealised dreams. I remember one particular New Year a few years ago. I had had the worst 3 years of my life. 3 years filled with personal problems, professional problems, family problems. It was a bad time. With the increase in problems, came the decrease in my self-esteem and the appearance of a mild depression. I felt…